Starting in 2023, we will be offering a total of four day-trips based out of Calgary, guided by Gavin McKinnon. The trips are scheduled once a month from March - June. Each trip is designed to expose you to different birds, styles of birding, and some of the best locations in southern Alberta. As a series, these day trips are intended to not only be enjoyable days in the field but make you a better birder in the process, by learning new skills and identification techniques. Information regarding meeting times and locations will be shared with registered participants before each trip.
Individual Trips: $75
Individual Trips: $75
March 4: Winter Birding
This outing will focus on species of bird that are most easily observed during the winter months; owls, woodpeckers and a variety of winter finches. We will sped the day in the foothills to the west of Calgary.
April 1: Migrating Waterfowl
As the ice begins to retreat from the larger reservoirs in southern Alberta, space opens up for large numbers of migrant waterfowl. This day will be spent at various locations east of Calgary.
April 29: Gulling
While often feared by birders, gulls provide a fun and unique challenge. This trip we will visit some of the best gulling locations within the city. They may not be the most flashy but once you learn to appreciate them, it can be very rewarding.
June 10: Breeding Birds
As migration slows down, the breeding season begins with many species setting up territories and attracting mates. We will start very early this morning to take full advantage of the dawn chorus. This outing will be specially focused on birding-by ear.