An Iconic species...At one time in the 1940s, there were only 16 Whooping Cranes left. However, thanks to multiple successful conversation efforts, there are now more than 600 cranes in the wild population. We will have the rare opportunity to view these majestic birds as they stop along their migration route from Wood Buffalo National Park to the Gulf of Mexico.
Tour Information
Dates: October 3-8, 2024 (5 days)
These tour dates have been selected to coincide with the peak of Whooping Crane and waterfowl migration through central Saskatchewan.
Start/End: Saskatoon
This tour will start and end in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. There are multiple domestic flights to Saskatoon (YXE) from both Calgary and Toronto each day.
Difficulty: Easy
This tour is easy as we will be primarily birding along the roadside. There will be some short walks, however all will be on non-challenging even terrain.
Group Size: 4-10
The maximum group size on this tour is 10. This small group size will allow each participant to have an enjoyable experience on this tour.
Cost: $1475 (CAD) + 5% GST
The cost above is based on double occupancy and includes all ground transportation, accommodation in a good-quality hotel, breakfast and professional guiding services.
Leader: Gavin McKinnon
Dates: October 3-8, 2024 (5 days)
These tour dates have been selected to coincide with the peak of Whooping Crane and waterfowl migration through central Saskatchewan.
Start/End: Saskatoon
This tour will start and end in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. There are multiple domestic flights to Saskatoon (YXE) from both Calgary and Toronto each day.
Difficulty: Easy
This tour is easy as we will be primarily birding along the roadside. There will be some short walks, however all will be on non-challenging even terrain.
Group Size: 4-10
The maximum group size on this tour is 10. This small group size will allow each participant to have an enjoyable experience on this tour.
Cost: $1475 (CAD) + 5% GST
The cost above is based on double occupancy and includes all ground transportation, accommodation in a good-quality hotel, breakfast and professional guiding services.
Leader: Gavin McKinnon
Day 1: Arrival
The tour will begin at 4:00 pm with a group dinner where we will discuss the upcoming days. For participants arriving early we may be able to organize a casual walk through a local park in the late afternoon.
Day 2: Whooping Cranes
We will aim to leave our hotel by 7:00 am. It is approximately a one hour drive from Saskatoon to where the Whooping Cranes are normally seen. It often does not take long before we spot “the big white birds”. We will take our time watching the flock while being careful not to cause any disturbance. Large flocks of Snow Geese also frequent this area and we can often pick out a few Ross’s Geese as well. In the late morning we will begin visiting different wetlands in the area which often hold healthy numbers of dabbling ducks and shorebirds. We will return to the hotel at approximately 4:30 pm for a short rest before dinner.
Day 3: Last Mountain Lake NWR
Today we will visit Canada’s oldest protected wildlife area. Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Refuge was founded in 1887 and to this day remains an important stop over location for many species. This location is one of the best places in the area to look for Sandhill Cranes while they feed in farmer's fields. The headquarters are surrounded by shrubbery which attracts a variety of passerines. In the past we have observed Winter Wren, Palm Warbler, Swamp Sparrow and Harris’s Sparrow. The north end of Last Mountain Lake is also a great location for a variety of ducks and shorebirds. Both Black-bellied and American Golden-Plovers are frequently encountered. Large flocks of Lapland Longspur are also expected and if we are very lucky we may be able to find a Smith’s Longspur.
Day 4: Prince Albert National Park
We will travel north of Saskatoon today to a pristine slice of the boreal forest in Prince Albert National Park. We will spend the day exploring the trails of the park searching for species such as 'Canada' Spruce Grouse, American Three-toed Woodpecker, Canada Jay and Boreal Chickadee. Irruptive finches such as Evening Grosbeaks as well as both Red and White-winged Corssbills may also be present.
Day 5: Departure
This is the last day of the tour. Participants can plan to depart Saskatoon at any time today.
Day 1: Arrival
The tour will begin at 4:00 pm with a group dinner where we will discuss the upcoming days. For participants arriving early we may be able to organize a casual walk through a local park in the late afternoon.
Day 2: Whooping Cranes
We will aim to leave our hotel by 7:00 am. It is approximately a one hour drive from Saskatoon to where the Whooping Cranes are normally seen. It often does not take long before we spot “the big white birds”. We will take our time watching the flock while being careful not to cause any disturbance. Large flocks of Snow Geese also frequent this area and we can often pick out a few Ross’s Geese as well. In the late morning we will begin visiting different wetlands in the area which often hold healthy numbers of dabbling ducks and shorebirds. We will return to the hotel at approximately 4:30 pm for a short rest before dinner.
Day 3: Last Mountain Lake NWR
Today we will visit Canada’s oldest protected wildlife area. Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Refuge was founded in 1887 and to this day remains an important stop over location for many species. This location is one of the best places in the area to look for Sandhill Cranes while they feed in farmer's fields. The headquarters are surrounded by shrubbery which attracts a variety of passerines. In the past we have observed Winter Wren, Palm Warbler, Swamp Sparrow and Harris’s Sparrow. The north end of Last Mountain Lake is also a great location for a variety of ducks and shorebirds. Both Black-bellied and American Golden-Plovers are frequently encountered. Large flocks of Lapland Longspur are also expected and if we are very lucky we may be able to find a Smith’s Longspur.
Day 4: Prince Albert National Park
We will travel north of Saskatoon today to a pristine slice of the boreal forest in Prince Albert National Park. We will spend the day exploring the trails of the park searching for species such as 'Canada' Spruce Grouse, American Three-toed Woodpecker, Canada Jay and Boreal Chickadee. Irruptive finches such as Evening Grosbeaks as well as both Red and White-winged Corssbills may also be present.
Day 5: Departure
This is the last day of the tour. Participants can plan to depart Saskatoon at any time today.
Trip Reports
“Birding with Gavin is so incredibly rewarding, fulfilling, and fun! His enthusiasm for birding is truly authentic, and his knowledge is incredible! Gavin's ability to identify birds on the wing, his impressive recognition of vocalizations, his quick on the draw photography skills to confirm species, and his understanding of habitat and likely areas to have a variety of birds, are a few examples of what he provides. In addition, he is most willing to answer questions and help each member of the tour to not only see the birds, but to learn more about them. It was an absolute delight to have the opportunity to join him on the Saskatchewan Whooping Crane tour! I cannot wait for the chance to sign up for another!”
- Donna F.
“Our trip to see the Whooping Cranes was perfect. The group size worked well. The accommodations were convenient and very economical and comfortable. The places we went to were great with lots of birds being seen at each place. Gavin’s bird knowledge is very impressive and he did a great job as a leader and bird finder. I would definitely go on another tour with him.”
-Ann L.
“The tour was well organized and had a knowledgeable leader. The small group size allowed for informal and spontaneous routes and stops, plus the sharing of information of many other species encountered along the way. We enjoyed the tour immensely and learned a lot.”
-Diane L.